STCW is the acronym for ‘Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping’. STCW Basic Safety Training, as it is known today is required by all seafarers who are working onboard commercial ships or Superyachts. These training and programs have been planned to meet the requirements of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978 and its amendments of July 1995 (STCW 95 Convention) and the IMO Model Courses.
If you are seeking employment on a commercial ship, ferry, cruise ship or Superyacht, completing STCW Basic Safety Training Course is a requirement. In addition, all seafarers are required to complete an ENG1 Medical.
These courses are delivered in classroom Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, practical acquaintance and demonstration, coursework exercises, assigned reading, research. PowerPoint and video presentations.

Ship Security Awareness
This course teaches students how to contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness, and helps them develop the ability to recognize security threats and respond appropriately.

Ship Security Awareness For Seafarers With Designated Security Duties
This course equips students to be able to undertake the duties assigned under the SSP.

Ship Security Officer
This training course is to provide a ship’s officer with the knowledge and skills to carry out their duties as a designated Ship Security Officer by the International Ship and Port Facility (ISPS) Code.

Emergency Procedures Search And Rescue
This course provides training for officers in management and operation levels assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to emergency procedures on board, and search and rescue operations.

Medical Care
This course covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter VI, section A-VI/4, Table A-VI/4-2.

Global Maritime Distress And Safety Signal – GMDSS
In this course students will be trained to use marine communication equipment, including Satellite communication, and will also learn how to handle communication in ship emergencies, and join in search and rescue operation.

The Human Element, Leadership, And Teamwork (Helm) At Management Level
This course was designed to equip the trainee with skills to demonstrate sufficient understanding and knowledge of leadership and teamwork, and to have the relevant ...

Marine Environmental Awareness
This course helps students to become aware or more aware of the contribution of the human element to pollution and how to prevent it.

Bridge Resource Management
This course is both practical and theoretical, according to STCW – Code Table A-II/1 incl. Manila amendment 2010 and based on IMO model course 1.22 / model course 7.03.

Electronic Chart Display And Information System – ECDIS
This course was designed to provide student with the required knowledge and understanding to stand watch, using electronic charts.

Radar – ARPA
This course covers navigation with Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) and Radar Simulator, passage planning, training in the use of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) ...